4 Ways to Maximize your Training in 2015

4 Ways to Maximize Training

4 Ways to Maximize Training

Do you have big running goals for 2015? Most of us do. Whether it is to run a marathon, PR in a 5K or stay injury free the turning of the calendar offers us an opportunity to reevaluate the previous year and start fresh. Here are four tips, that regardless of your goal, will help you maximize your training in 2015 to help you achieve the goals you're reaching for.

1. Make a Physical Therapy Appointment: Even if you're un-injured a visit to a physical therapist who specializes in sports injuries can yield valuable information. Most of us have imbalances and weaknesses that are either holding us back or are poised to cause a major injury. Learning what those are an then taking the time to work on them through corrective exercises can be the difference between reaching your goals and getting sidelined by injury.

2. Hire a Running Coach: Running coaches aren't just for elite athletes. Hiring a running coach is a great move to help you navigate uncharted territory or take you to the next level. A running coach can create a customized training plan that fits your needs, guide you through it and answer questions and evaluate performance along the way. They can also adjust your plan if you happen to be sick or injured to help you stay on track towards your goals despite set-backs. For more information on online running coaching click HERE.

3. Make Cross Training a Priority: Sometimes when we set big running goals we run, run, run and forget to work the foundational muscles that are so important to the running itself. Focusing on hip and core strength can be the key to developing a more efficient stride, developing power and ultimately improving your running. And if you make that PT appointment you'll have a ready made cross training routine for you.

4. Write it Down: Tracking your runs can have a positive impact on your training by allowing you to analyze and asses each run. It's more than just glancing at the info from your Garmin. Designate a notebook to log the distance of your run, your pace, how you felt and the conditions. Keeping a detailed journal of these factors will help you improve over time. Check out this article on keeping a running log.

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What are your big running goals for 2015 and what are you doing differently this year to maximize your training?


Sarah is a certified running coach with the RRCA and USATF. She and her husband Mark Canney, CPT CSCS collaborate in coaching clients of all ages and abilities to help them reach their running goals. You can learn more about their coaching services HERE.

I love connecting with readers! You can find me here:

Email: RunFarGirl [at] gmail [dot] com


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Daily Mile:dailymile.com/people/scanney