Three ways to make up a missed long run

This post originally appeared on, where you can find the rest of the article.   It’s happened to all of us: the long run on our schedule just doesn’t happen. Maybe the weather causes us to cut it short or we hit snooze and skip it altogether, leaving us a little stressed about when we’re going to make it up.

If you’re following a training plan, getting in those long runs can be a challenge sometimes. If you happen to miss one there is no need to panic. It’s ill advised to skip to the next distance, considering that long runs often jump up by two miles at a time. For example—if you skip a planned 12 mile run, jumping from 10 miles to 14 can be problematic, opening the door for injury. Sometimes your plan may have enough wiggle room to adjust all the runs, but you may be on a tight schedule with raceday fast-approaching. 

Read the rest of the article at HERE.  

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