Rise.Run.Retreat 2015 Recap



I've had a week to think back and reflect on the weekend at Rise.Run.Retreat. It's hard to believe it has come and gone. Months of planning leading up to a few days that were so full. I'm so grateful to the women who came to the retreat, because they are the ones that made the weekend what it was. They made is special, I just provided the back drop. The Planning-Rise.Run.Retreat started taking shape last winter, planning took most of the spring and summer as I nailed down sponsors, gathered a group of women and finalized every detail. Jes, from Runladylike.com was my right hand gal and did a lot of the leg work too. It's true what they say about things seeming impossible until you take the first step. There were so many little steps that led to last weekend. It seemed impossible at first, but one detail at a time the weekend became a reality. At one point on Friday we sat back and Jes asked me what was left to do, there was nothing. It was all done. All ready. And that was such a great feeling.

The Weekend- From when everyone arrived on Friday, until the final airport run on Monday the weekend was filled with great conversations, ah-ha moments and breakthrough runs. It was amazing. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.



rise.run.retreat llbean

rise.run.retreat llbean



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rise.run. retreat

[Tweet "Rise.Run.Retreat Recap: laughter, tears and breakthroughs #riserunretreat15 #womensrunning"]

rise.run. retreat stonyfield lucy's granola

rise.run. retreat stonyfield lucy's granola

rise.run. retreat runners alley

rise.run. retreat runners alley

rise.run. retreat

rise.run. retreat

rise.run. retreat

rise.run. retreat

rise.run. retreat

rise.run. retreat

rise.run. retreat

rise.run. retreat

rise.run. retreat

rise.run. retreat

rise.run. retreat

rise.run. retreat

The Why-When Jes and I first hatched this plan our intention was to bring people who loved running together so we could encourage each other and inspire each other. That's exactly what happened at Rise.Run.Retreat. As I've read everyone's recap I realized that we did exactly what we set out to do.

"I’ve gone to a lot of blogging conferences and events, but this retreat was completely different." --Laura

"This was the first time in a long time that I have been surrounded by so many strong women sharing a passion for the same thing. Each woman bringing her joy for the sport of running and her desire to inspire others to run farther, faster, and for their own goals."--Sandra

"But when we all gathered together, race results and running pace didn’t matter. Those things all fell away when we gathered together. It was amazing to sit in a room with these amazing women and to listen to their stories about running and life." --Christine

"Even though we are all bloggers, this was more than a blogging retreat. It was more about spending time with a community of friends that has been built on the love of running." --Angela

" These women exceeded my expectations, and we got on even better than I thought we would. I loved getting to know them more, and I left feeling relaxed, happy, and confident in who I am."--Tina

 [Tweet "Uniting and being inspired that was #riserunretreat15"]

The Future-Rise.Run.Retreat will be back next year! We've already begun planning. I don't have details yet, but I do know we'll be opening up several more spots and making it available to anyone who wants to come. Stay tuned for details. We'll share them as they unfold.

[Tweet "I want in on Rise.Run.Retreat 2016! #womenrunning @riserunretreat"]

Have you ever been to a running retreat? What about a girls running weekend away?


I love connecting with readers! You can find me here:

Email: RunFarGirl [at] gmail [dot] com


Instagram: instagram.com/runfargirl



Daily Mile:dailymile.com/people/scanney