You can do it all...until you can't

I had a chest x-ray yesterday. Yep. I've been coughing for nearly a month now and I've been carrying on as if I wasn't sick at all: trying to up my weekly mileage, homeschooling, retreat planning, freelance writing, fundraising, expo-ing, racing, breastfeeding and not really sleeping through the night and getting up early to do it all over again and just hoping it would go away. Well, it didn't go away and it finally hit me this Saturday that if I raced again I'd make myself really sick, like flat-on-my-back-in-bed-for-days sick. So I opted out of the Maine Half Marathon and I'm so glad I did. The doctor seems to think that it's not pneumonia, which is what I was afraid it might become. Right now I'm hoping it's just inflammation in my lungs as the doctor suspected. I've got a couple inhalers to help calm things down. And I'm trying to rest. Which isn't really rest at all. It's not like I'm lying on a couch taking a nap, I'm just doing less. Or trying to do less. There's still kids to take care of and laundry, meals to make and messes to clean, and school and a few obligations that need my attention.

It is possible to do it all. Until you can't anymore and then something pays the price.

I guess this is the little kick in the pants I needed to remind me to not take on so much. To learn to say "no" to more things and "yes" to not doing anything. And maybe a reminder I need to ask for help, something I hate doing.

So I'll be trying to lay low for the next few days and let my body heal.

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