Pregnancy Update: 30 Weeks



Ten weeks. That's it, just ten weeks to go and Baby Canney (who still remains nameless since we can't decide on a name...poor third kid) arrives! We are definitely in the home stretch. I'm not sure what I'm looking forward to more the end of this pregnancy or the onset of warmer weather and the chance to come out of our winter cocoon--seriously this winter has been brutal.

Running: I backed way off the running these past two weeks mostly due to tightness in my lower back. My SI joint felt "locked up," which it has done on occasion before when my hip flexors are too tight. I made a trip to the chiropractor, who aligned everything and said he could feel a bit of inflammation down in that SI joint and then had a fantastic session with my massage therapist.



It was still a little stiff, but I've been stretching my hips and back more regularly and that seems to keep my back happy. So I'm back to short little runs, but they have been much slower. I found that 5.0 mph at 5% incline on the treadmill was a pretty good spot and did a few runs there, then was able to make it outside this weekend. I've been running 2-3 times a week only 2-3 miles and have been riding the bike or walking at an increasing incline on the treadmill to mix it up.



Cross Training: Cross training is consistently happening two to three times a week and my latest source for ideas has been YouTube. I've found some great 30 min body weight workouts and a couple kettlebell workouts I like. I'm also still doing the Hab-It DVD regularly (a great DVD for pelvic floor strengthening) and going to barre class every other Sunday. I get a good hour and 15 minute but kicking at barre class, plus a lot of stretching. I always feel so good after.



Mood: Holy Guacamole, people! Pregnancy hormones are really besting me this time around, more so than I ever remember with the first two. I think I spent 90% of all of last week crying and feeling overwhelmed. Pregnancy is enough of an emotional roller coaster, but then you add a dramatic five year old, a rambunctious two year old (who has decided he want's nothing to do with potty training or naps) and a whole lot of stuck inside for two months to that and you have one very wrung-out mama. I am looking forward to when the reinforcements arrive in May in the form of my Mom visiting from Dubai and warmer weather. Seriously I need an early spring. Or I just might go crazy.

Energy: I was feeling great the last couple weeks and despite being a bit moody still had a lot of energy to chase after the kids and keep up with everything else. But for some reason the last few days I have felt wiped-out. I've been in bed at 8pm the last few nights, just exhausted. And this weekend I fell asleep in the car on two occasions as we drove to and from our weekend activities. I don't remember this third trimester tiredness starting this early. This is usually how I feel at 36 or 37 weeks...not 30 weeks. But then again, I didn't have two kids the last time I was pregnant and the one I did have was a good napper.

Baby: There's so much going on I often forget he's there...poor third kid. Except when he starts to kick and jab, which is pretty much all the time now, but especially at night. I wonder what he will be like and if he knows what he's getting himself into when he joins this family in a few months:)

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