Training Update, When Running is More than Running

This past week included a mix of runs in New York, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania. Mid-week I'd lost track of where I had run and how much I had run. My runs were equally "confused:" track, treadmill, trail, dirt and paved road. I was all over the place; I think I still am a bit scattered. Not ready for summer to end. Not ready to say goodbye...on so many different levels. This weekend we were in Pennsylvania to say goodbye to my grandfather-an amazing man. I admire him more than I can express and loved him deeply. For me this week running took on a different significance. It wasn't about the miles or the workouts. It was about the movement and the way that running often leads me to a place of reflection. Here are my runs last week:



Monday: off, Cross Train/PT

Tuesday: Easy four miles in the Adirondacks. Easy paced, my knee/calf was feeling a bit cranky at the end.

Wednesday: Track workout. I was a bit worried about my calf going into the workout, but I KT taped my calf/knee and wore my ProCompression Calf Sleeves and everything seemed fine. One mile warm up on the track. 6x600 with 200m recovery jog. Felt really strong and smooth on each interval. 2:13; 2:11; 2:09; 2:09; 2:07; 2:06. One mile cool down on the track. Normally I would run a cool down in the woods, but I'm trying to keep to flat and even terrain so I opted for the track warm up and cool down.



Thursday: 2 miles on the treadmill in the morning. It was supposed to be four, but I was just so tired. Cut it short and then finished the day with four more miles on the treadmill in the evening. In between those runs I had the chance to meet up with Christine of who was vacationing in Maine with her family. I love her blog and it was so great to finally meet her!

Christine and I on Wells Beach in Maine.

Christine and I on Wells Beach in Maine.

Friday: 3 miles on the hotel treadmill in Pennsylvania. I wanted to run in the morning before we left for PA for my grandfather's funeral but Jack was up with a nightmare and took several hours to settle down. I just couldn't get myself up. So I settled for treadmill miles after a seven hour car ride with two kids who did not want to be in the car.

Saturday: 5 miles along Monocacy Creek trail in Bethlehem, PA with my Dad. Probably one of the most meaningful runs I've ever run, sharing memories of my grandfather with my Dad as we ran through the rain towards downtown Bethlehem. Our conversation and time together is a memory I will hold in my heart forever.



Sunday: 2-3 miles back at home. No watch, just running with my thoughts.

This week I feel grateful that running is more than just running. It can bring us together. Help us remember. Help us process. There's something about physical exertion of running that can help us experience life more fully. To feel with our whole body. Engage every aspect of our more present.

What is running to you?


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Email: RunFarGirl [at] gmail [dot] com


