Loving Lately and Pro Compression Winner

I have most definitely been loving summer lately. It doesn't matter how hot it gets or how humid it is I'll always be a summer girl. I thought I'd share some of the things I've been loving lately this summer. Gear: MPG Shorts from TJMaxx. While browsing TJMaxx recently for picture frames I took a quick peak at the fitness clothing and came across these MPG shorts. They looked cute and after trying them on I decided I'd get a pair. After one run I went back for two more pairs, 'cause at $15 a pop you totally can. They are incredibly comfortable, don't ride up or require tugging and adjusting while running. I liked the subtle pattern and two-tone look to them. The waist band is very flattering and they seem to wick sweat pretty well. They are total winners: the shorts that you dig out of the dirty clothes to wear again because you just don't want to wear the "other" shorts in your drawer. Yep that good. And at $15 each how can you go wrong?

MPG Running Shorts for $15 a piece at TJMaxx.

MPG Running Shorts for $15 a piece at TJMaxx.

MPG Shorts from TJMaxx. While browsing TJMaxx recently for picture frames I took a quick peak at the fitness clothing and came across these MPG shorts. They looked cute and after trying them on I decided I'd get a pair. After one run I went back for two more pairs, 'cause at $15 a pop you totally can. They are incredibly comfortable, don't ride up or require tugging and adjusting while running. I liked the subtle pattern and two-tone look to them. They are total winners: the shorts that you dig out of the dirty clothes to wear again because you just don't want to wear the "other" shorts in your drawer. Yep that good. And at $15 each how can you go wrong?

In the Blog World:

Carla Birnberg's post on Accepting Criticism. I read Carla's post last week and really loved it. I can be very reluctant to accept criticism sometimes and often get very defensive only to realize a while later that the criticism is completely accurate and if I really want to grow and become a better person I need to make changes. It was good to have this reminder.

A Post from  To Live and Diet in LA on Obsessive Clean Eating and Orthorexia. Amanda from MissZippy shared this blog post on twitter and I thought it was right on and very thought provoking. It basically talks about the growing trend of restriction through the guise of "clean eating" and how it can lead to disordered eating and ultimately a eating disorder that is being called orthorexia. From my own experience I've come to the realization that restriction in any form can often lead to a distorted view of food and ultimately a disordered relationship between control and food. I think it's important to be aware that this can happen and be mindful of our motives and the control we are exerting on the types of food we do and do not "allow" ourselves to have.

Allie's post on NOT finding balance. I met Allie from Vita Train For Life at Fitbloggin and love chatting with her. She's an amazing athlete and mother of twins. I loved what she had to say about balance. Often times I think we seek "balance" but are frustrated in our attempts to achieve it. I think a much healthier way to view life is in seasons and cycles. We have to be OK with the "ebb and flow" of life's demands and know that we can't achieve balance in everything.

Good Reads:

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Faith Unraveled. I started this book (Faith Unraveled by Rachel Held Evans) on the plane to Atlanta and nearly finished it in three hours. I could spend quite a bit of time talking about what I liked and didn't like about this book--there was more "liking" going on that not. I completely identified with Evan's conservative Christian upbringing and with her journey through doubt to a new understanding of "faith". I would highly recommend this book even for someone with no background in faith of any kind. Reading about someone's spiritual journey can lead to insight into your own life and be a helpful way to reflect and grow.


Mint and basil in every salad. I have basil growing in our garden and have been plucking leaves every evening to add to our salads. I should have planted mint too, because I've been purchasing it every week. Both herbs make a really great addition to any salad; tastes so fresh and summery.

Mint=summer fresh salads.

Mint=summer fresh salads.

Health Warrior Chia Seed Bars. I've been buying these chia seed bars made by Health Warrior ever since they appeared in our local grocery store sometime last year. I love their flavor and the fact that they are packed with Chia seeds. I had a chance to sit down with the CEO, Shane Emmett recently and I love the bars more now that I know the story behind the company and their commitment to quality. Coconut and banana nut are my favorite flavors so far…and coffee is always good for a little afternoon pick-me-up.

Photo Credit: Health Warrior.

Photo Credit: Health Warrior.

New Hampshire:

I really love the state we live in. As a teenager I felt like New Hampshire was old fashioned and isolated from every other place, which seemed "more exciting." As an adult I appreciate everything about the state and love living here. The past few weekends we have had fun family adventure days that have included small hikes (In preparation for our annual hike up Mt. Washington) and exploring all our state has to offer.

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Now for the ProCompression Giveaway Winner!

Congratulations June L.! You're the winner. Please email me at runfargirl@gmail.com to claim your prize. You have until 7/18 at midnight to claim your prize before another winner is randomly selected.

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And don't forget to vote! I'd love your support to be on the cover of Runner's World Magazine. Click HERE to vote.

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What are you loving lately? Are you a summer person?


I love connecting with readers! You can find me here:

Email: RunFarGirl [at] gmail [dot] com


Instagram: instagram.com/runfargirl



Daily Mile:dailymile.com/people/scanney