Training Update+Unplanned Rest Day

Today I'm taking an unplanned rest day, hoping to kick this tiny little sore throat that wants to turn into a full blown cold. I'm fighting it with early bed times (went to bed at 8pm last night), all the natural cold remedies in the world (Vitamin C flush) and not running. I'm hoping that after a nap and a good nights sleep tonight I'll be back at it in the morning. Fingers crossed. I'm just glad it is this week and not next week. Before I get into my training recap for last week I want to say a HUGE congrats to Emily, one of my coaching clients who ran a great race and so close to a PR despite windy conditions at the Toronto Half Marathon this Saturday. Way to go Emily! Congrats on a 1:44 finish!

Way to go Emily (in the blue).

Way to go Emily (in the blue).

So last weeks training looked something like this:

Screen Shot 2014-05-06 at 9.02.55 AM

Screen Shot 2014-05-06 at 9.02.55 AM

Monday: Rest. This was my first rest day in 16 days. I actually contemplated running in the evening because I didn't feel like I needed rest. I wanted to run. But I'm glad I did. I needed the mental break.

Tuesday: Ten easy miles. Hip/Core and PT exercises.

Wednesday: Three easy miles to the track. 8x200m. In retrospect I should have run these 200's at 5K pace. I ran them at training pace so they were 41-44 seconds each. I think  running them hard was maybe why my legs felt a little dead at the beginning of the 5K on Saturday. Three easy miles home.

Thursday: Rest day. KB workout with hip, PT and form drills.

Friday: Five easy miles. Chose a hilly route just because I was sick of running the flat route. Maybe the flat route would have meant fresher legs on Saturday  morning?

Saturday: ~4 miles of warm up and cool down. Barrington Peeper 5K in 19:45! Woohoo! New PR. Read the recap HERE. And then 7 easy miles in the afternoon.

Sunday: Ten easy recovery miles. Form drills, PT and hip exercises after.

I wanted to be more in the 55 range and would have been if I hadn't taken Monday off, but it was still a solid week and the race was fun. Only 12 days to the marathon! Whaaaat?!?

How's your training going? What are you favorite natural cold remedies?


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Email: RunFarGirl [at] gmail [dot] com


