Women's Running Magazine: Running Goddesses

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A couple months back I was featured as one of Women's Running Magazine's "Running Goddesses." They had asked women to submit their picture and a story of what makes them a "Running Goddess." I submitted my story on a whim and low and behold they ended up featuring it on their blog and Facebook page. Click HERE to check it out.

It happened as I was moving my blog from Blogger to Wordpress so I didn't have the chance to feature it, so I thought I'd do so now:-) While you're there check out the amazing stories of some of the other women they featured, there are some incredibly inspiring women who's stories will make you feel stronger just reading them. You can also submit your story by clicking the "Share Your Story" link in the top right corner.

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And if you make your way back to the Women's Running Magazine homepage be sure to check out their Cover Model competition. There are currently eight finalists, one of which I really admire and read her blog frequently: Dorothy Beal from Mile-Posts. I had the chance to meet her at the Saucony Find Your Strong Kinvara3 party before the Boston Marathon and she is one of the sweetest people you'll ever come across. She has run twenty marathons and does most of her training pushing a single, double, or triple stroller depending on the day. What I admire most about her is the fact that she has taken her marathon time down from 4:20's to 3:11. That is some pretty amazing hard work, dedication and ability to believe that what seems impossible is possible. I love that! If you have a chance, take the time to vote for her. It would be great to see a fellow stroller-runner on the cover!
