It's Like We're the VonTrap Family, Except We Don't Sing We Run.

Wednesday is almost over. Which means I only have two, yes two, days left until the half-marathon. I chose to rest today, since I worked my legs pretty hard on hills yesterday. I'll run tomorrow, then rest Friday. But the half-marathon is not the only thing that I am looking forward to this weekend. Sunday is Mother's Day, it is also Sophia's 5 month mark and the day of the Mother's Day 5K. Yes, two races this weekend!

On Sunday, my Mom, my two sisters, Sophia and I will all run in the Mother's Day 5K. Three generations, all running. The hills will be alive, with the sound of jogging. It will be fantastic! I even made t-shirts! Pink ones, with our names on the back (and, no I did not make them out of spare curtains). I haven't decided if we should color coordinate our shorts yet.

I imagine my legs will be a little tired from the half, and if my long runs are any indication my knees might be a little tender.I don't plan on "racing." I'll probably keep pace with my Mom and just have fun. Although if there are other jogging strollers, my competitive nature just may take over and I might find myself giving them a run for their money. We'll have to wait and see how I feel.