
Today we went back up the CHaD (Children's Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock) to have a follow up with Jack's surgeon. It was our last appointment. We don't have to go back. We are done. At least for the foreseeable future. You never know what will happen. Often times I struggle with an irrational fear of impending disaster. It's one of the reasons I don't read or watch the news. I'd live in fear. And I don't want to live in fear. So right now we are going to celebrate life, hope and God's faithfulness and the fact that He is with us.

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photo 1

A year ago Jack's back was "under construction, " with tissue expanders, tubes, ports, drains and bandages. Now all he bears is an ever-fading scar. It's a relief to be done, yet at the same time strangely sad to say 'thank you' and 'good-bye' to a very kind-hearted doctor who you entrusted your child's life and well-being to on the operating table.

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photo 3

It's the end of Jack's time at CHaD, but it certainly isn't the end of being part of that community. I think I will forever feel linked to other families who have and will receive care there.  We will always be involved, whether it's reaching out to other families whose children were born with giant melanocytic nevus to help them through the process or fundraising and running in the CHaD Half Marathon, it's hard to walk away with out giving back.

It's the end of a chapter, a season that was very hard. But we are all stronger for it. Especially this little guy. 



Thank you so much to all of you who have supported us this past year through your kind and encouraging comments and through your prayers. I am so very grateful. 


*For those of you who have ordered "Embrace the Hill" t-shirts, first of all THANK YOU so much for your support of CHaD through your order. And second, please bare with me. I am processing orders as quickly as I can. I am SOLD OUT of all Small, Mediums and only have a handful of Larges and Extra larges. I have placed another order and am expecting a shipment of shirts at the end of the month. Thanks again!*