10 Benefits of Running Getaway-why a running retreat is right for you
Running Getaway- 10 reasons why a run-in getaway is right for you
Lately, I've been thinking about why a running getaway can be so beneficial. I recently read
in the New York Times that resonated with me. It talked about the expectation of a generation of women who are raised to believe they can have it all: career and family, but then are faced with rising cost and increasing demands of motherhood. "The result is that women’s expectations seem to be outpacing the realities of public policy, workplace culture and family life," the article concludes.[Tweet "Looking for reasons to getaway? Here are 10 reasons a running retreat is right for you."]
The Crush of Overwhelm
Running getaway-take a moment to getaway from daily responsibilities
Maybe you've felt it too? The crush and overwhelm of expectation, it's exhausting. And we live in a society that is lagging behind in it's system of support for women who are passionate about both their families and their careers.It's why so many of us run, right? Running is our outlet, our escape from the overwhelm and the crush of expectation. For so many of us running is the chance to do something just for US, when it feels like everything else we are doing is for someone or something else.
Self-Care isn't just a Buzzword
Sometimes the phrase "self-care" gets a bad rap as an ambiguous an overused buzzwords. But in an overworked, stressed-out, over-scheduled society that is increasingly plugged-in taking some time to take care of ourselves is so important. We're not a softer generation, we are a more aware generation. If public policy and workplace structure are failing us, then we need to take matters into our own hands and create our own support system. We have to make time for ourselves, so that we can be the best version of ourselves.[Tweet "#selfcare isn't just a buzzword and doesn't mean we're lazy"]
Running Getaway
One of the ways we can do that is planned time away. Here are ten reasons why a running getaway is the best way to recharge...
Running Getaway-find like-minded women who love to run
1. Perspective
Getting away gives us mental and physical space. Stepping away from our demands and responsibilities can often bring much needed perspective.
2. Clarity
It can be hard to gain clarity when things are moving at lightning speed around us. Stepping outside our normal schedule can often bring clarity in either personal or work situations that leave us feeling unable to make a decision.
3. Peace
Running Getaway-treat yourself to rave runs in beautiful places
Getting away, especially by yourself can bring you to a place of peace. Rest comes in the form of stillness and quietness or even a full night's sleep without interruption.
4. Creativity
When you take yourself outside of your norm and allow yourself space, the clarity that brings often breeds creativity. It can be hard to feel creative when you mind is crowded with responsibilities.
5. Renewed Patience
When we're constantly on the go we sometimes forget that things take time. We become impatient. But stepping outside the daily grind, gives us a chance regain patience when it comes to the things we are working towards.
6. Reduced Stress
Running Getaway-take a moment for yourself
Getting away can reduce stress levels. When you step away from daily responsibilities and spend time focusing inward on yourself, your stress and anxiety levels often decrease.
7. Connection
If your getaway includes a retreat, chances are you'll meet other people and have the opportunity to connect with new friends who you wouldn't have known otherwise.
8. Mindfulness
Where there is space, there is an opportunity to become mindful. A getaway provides margin and it is often in the margins that we become mindful of what is really going on within us.
9. Mental Health
Running Getaway- relax and recharge
Spending time outside of your normal routine may make you more aware of your mental health and areas in which you can seek help or make changes to improve your day to day life.
10. Reflection
Getting away gives you the opportunity to take a step back and reflect on every aspect of your life, physical, spiritual and mental. Taking stock of you present can often help shape a better future.[Tweet "Clarity, peace, perspective...see more reasons why a running getaway is perfect for you"]
Looking for ways to getaway the year? Check out Rise.Run.Retreat'sspring retreat or fall run camp. Both are a great way to hit refresh and make connections with other women who love to run. [PS registration for the spring retreat closes SOON!]
Have you ever gotten away for a run-cation or running getaway?-SarahWant to check out my training and daily musings? Follow me on Instagram. Or connect with me here, I love getting emails from readers!Email: RunFarGirl [at] gmail [dot] comTwitter:@RunFarGirlFacebook:Facebook.com/runfargirl262Pinterest: pinterest.com/runfargirl