5 Treadmill Workouts to keep the mind and body engaged

Even cold-weather running die-hards will have to come inside on occasion due unsafe conditions. Treadmill training through the winter can be monotonous. It seems that every winter, whether I want to or not I am forced onto the treadmill. It takes every ounce of mental and physical strength (and whole lot of Fixer Upper) to keep my body on the treadmill. [Tweet "5 Treadmill Workouts to keep your mind and body engaged"]

To keep things fresh and to keep myself on track towards spring racing goals I like to incorporate a few key treadmill workouts that not only build fitness but make the time pass quickly.

5 Treadmill workouts that keep things interesting when you're forced inside by cold weather.

5 Treadmill workouts that keep things interesting when you're forced inside by cold weather.


I've done this workout on the treadmill and on the track and either way you cut it it's a tough one.  If you're looking to get a little speed work in run all the intervals at 5K pace or faster, if you're not in the mood for a speed workout you can simply bump up your speed by .2 mph with each new interval. Start with a mile warm up. Then run 1 mile, run for .25 (400m); run .75, recover .25; run .5, recover for .25; run .25, recovery .25. Take five minutes to jog or walk. Then repeat moving back up the ladder: run .25, recover .25; run .5, recover .25; run .75, recover .25; run 1 mile. Cool down one mile.

Mountain Climb

If you're missing out on a hill workout this is a great substitute. Warm up for a mile at 0% at a comfortable, easy pace. Then increase incline by 2%. Continue to increase incline by 2% every two minutes until you get to 12%. Run at 12% for two minutes then decrease incline by 2% every two minutes until you get back down to 0% incline. Cool down one mile.

Musical Fartlek

Music is a must on the treadmill, so pump the music up and run a musical fartlek! Warm up for a mile. At the start of a new song increase the speed by .5 mph (if you're at 6.5 bumped it up to 7.0 mph) run at that speed until the song ends then slow back down to your easy pace. Run easy for the next song. Then with a new song bump up the incline to 3%, run at that incline for the duration of the song. Then run easy on the next song. Repeat for a total of 12 songs.

Minute to Win It

One minute repeats are a great way to increase your foot turnover. After a mile warm up, pick up the pace by 1 mph (if you're running at 6 mph bump it up to 7 mph for one minute.) Return to your beginning pace for the next minute. Keep alternating back and forth for 20 minutes. Cool down with a mile.

Thrills and Drills

This workout is a great way to incorporate drills into your run time. Run a one mile warm up. Then run 5K pace for .5 mile. Hop off the treadmill and do 100 butt kicks. Hop back on the treadmill (use caution when hoping on and off!) and run another .5 mi at 5K pace. Hop off and do 100 high knees. Hop back another .5 mile at 5K pace. Hop off and do 100 toe taps (you can use the side of the treadmill as a step to tap on). Hop back on for your last .5 at 5K. Then cool down for a mile.

What is your favorite way to make the most of your treadmill time?


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