6 Core Workouts for Runners
Strong runners need a strong core. Here's 6 core workouts for runners to keep you strong and injury free
If you're anything like me, you know how important a strong core is to your running, but you often neglect to incorporate it into you weekly routine. If that's true, then these six quick core workouts should give you a great resource and hopefully a little motivation to give your core the attention it needs!
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Having a strong core isn't about obtain a six-pack, it is about staying injury free and becoming a stronger runner! This is a great place to start!
If you need a quick workout that targets your core this workout its for you:
Side plank 30 seconds each side
Side plank with running leg (in a side plank position, move your top leg in a running motion--it requires extra stabilization!)
Reverse plank
Farmer walk with Kettlebell (Never done a farmers walk? Check out this helpful video HERE.)
Check out these great core workouts from some of my favorite bloggers!
Allie's Abs HERE.
Nellie's core workout HERE.
Nellie Core Workout
Laura's workout HERE.
Core Workout for Runners This Runner's Recipes
And this one from Carly.
Core Workout for Runners
And this one from Angela HERE.
Strengthen your running when you build a strong core with this core workout for runners. happyfitmama.com
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