Take a Risk: Why YOU should enter the Women's Running Magazine Cover Runner Contest

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I can remember driving home from track last summer, my stomach in knots, knowing that a phone call or email awaited me at home which would let me know the results of the Women's Running Cover Contest. Last year I entered the Women's Running Cover Contest on a whim. I was surprised and excited when I was chosen as one of nine finalists. Even though I'd entered on a whim, I really wanted to make it on that cover. I thought it might be a way to reach my goal of raising $10,000 for CHaD kids and bring awareness to Jack's rare condition (congenital melanocytic nevus) in the process. When I arrived home the email was waiting. I almost didn't want to open it, half excited that maybe I'd been chosen and half afraid I'd be disappointed. It turns out I wasn't chosen. And yes, I was disappointed. Even more so when I learned I'd come second in the total voting tally. Hard to find out you came so close, but didn't quite make it.

I took a risk. I entered a contest. And I lost.

Not all risks end in the "big reward." But all risks yield reward. For me the process was the reward. Through applying and garnering votes as a finalist I learned I had a whole army of supporters who believed in me and wanted me to win. I learned that I've come a long way from the wallflower I was as a young adult, the one who played it safe.

[Tweet "All risks yield reward. Even if you don't win. @womensrunning #coverrunnercontest #TeamWR"]

Entering that contest was a valuable learning experience for me, and it can be for you too! Which is why, even if you don't think you have a shot at winning YOU should enter. Take the risk. Tell your story. And see what happens. Even if you don't win it will teach you something new and open doors to new possibilities.

You can enter the contest HERE. Submissions close on September 28th.
