Love what you Love
Words move me. Their composition on the page. Their ability to make me feel, make me think, make me believe. Sometimes you come across words that seem to fill you deeply, that echo in your soul. Words that resonate. I found that this week in this quote from the book, Bread & Wine by Shauna Niequist:
"Part of becoming yourself, in a deeply spiritual way, is finding the words to tell the truth about what it is you really love...or in the words of Mary Oliver, 'letting the soft animal of your body love what it loves.' "
These words resonated: they filled me completely, reverberated through my mind and soul and made me stop...and think.
Sometimes we don't let ourselves love what we really want to love. Because we have to _________. Somewhere along the road to adulthood we let go of the dream, we compromise our loves for duty, responsibility, the shoulds of life.
The journey to becoming most fully you, the you that lies beneath the layers of responsibility, is about letting yourself love what you love.
Tell the truth about what you love.
Make space for it.
Pursue it fully.
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