When I Run...

When you stop caring about what people-4

When you stop caring about what people-4





I simply love this quote from Dimity's essay in Tales from Another Mother Runner. The book is filled with stories just like it: real women, real runners and their very real reasons for running. I had the chance to meet Dimity at their kick off book signing in Andover, MA a month ago she was fantastic: warm, understanding and hilarious.

If you haven't picked up a copy of the book you should. It's encouraging, heart warming and so, so relatable. And if Sarah and Dimity are coming anywhere near you on the second half of their tour make sure to go!

[Tweet "When I run...@dimityontherun's reasons for running resonate. #motherrunner #womensrunning #run"]

And yes my name tag was upside down...the whole night. I had no idea. I'll just pretend I was being ironic.

Have you read any of the Mother Runner books? Which is your favorite?


I love connecting with readers! You can find me here:

Email: RunFarGirl [at] gmail [dot] com


Instagram: instagram.com/runfargirl



Daily Mile:dailymile.com/people/scanney