Pregnancy Update: 26 Weeks



I'm into the 26th week this week and for the most part I'm feeling good. Last week I was down for a few days with a bit of a cold so I only made it out the door for three runs, but those three runs were snowy and  beautiful.

Running: I'm able to run comfortably, in fact I had a five miler last weekend that was one of the best feeling runs I've had in a while. I feel like I've slowed even more now. I'm most comfortably running on flat terrain so I'm picking those routes that are mostly flat, except for Sunday's run where I had over 600ft in elevation gain total kind of by accident. There was so much drifting snow and it was so windy (and dang cold) on the route that I'd picked that I opted instead to go a different way...which happens to be really hilly. Plus add in a little trail time on the snow and my pace was the slowest it's been so far. Pace isn't a huge concern, other than the fact that it just takes longer to cover the routes I'm accustomed to running so I have to get better at planning my departure time so I can be home before my hubby needs to leave for work.

Energy Level and Overall Feeling: My energy levels have felt pretty normal. As long as I go to bed at an appropriate time (that was not the case on Sunday night when we stayed up till midnight watching Super Bowl post-game coverage. Yay Pats!) I do seem to have a nagging, tight hip flexor on the right side. It seems most aggravated after a run longer than 4 miles or so. I think a slip on the ice and snow a week or two back wrenched it a bit and so it hasn't been very happy. The week before last it was really bothering me after runs, it hurt to walk around. But these week I haven't had any issues at all. Possibly running less and two days off for that cold have helped it a bit.

Cross Training: For all of January focusing on the first workout in my Hab-It DVD (pelvic floor PT video) and have moved on to workout #2 (there are four workouts). I've been doing it at least once a week, although ideally I'd like to do it three times a week. I know that the moves in that video will really strengthen my pelvic floor and help me postpartum, so I'm making it a priority. That and barre class. Barre class has become my every-other-Sunday activity. I get in at 8am for an hour and 15 minute class and it feels great to work hard and know I'm strengthening my whole body. If only it wasn't a 45 min drive:/ I could do it more often. I round out my weekly cross-training with DVD's from Jillian Michaels and a few kettlebell workouts I make up on the fly.

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Baby: He is as active as ever. I can feel him kick holding my hand on the outside of my belly now and have tried to get my hubs and the kids to feel to, but unfortunately the little guy isn't super cooperative. Check ups with my midwife have been quick and straightforward, everything is progressing like it should.

I can't make time pass more quickly but at 26 weeks I'm ready to be done. This pregnancy feels long. Perhaps it is the weather, and the fact that with over three feet of snow on the ground (we got an additional 10 inches yesterday) Spring feels like an impossibility. Who knows. But I'm looking forward to meeting this little guy and being done with pregnancy.

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How is your training going? Do you have crazy snow where you live? Have you been pregnant in the winter? Does it seem to take longer than pregnancy at other times of the year?


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