Second Wind: 22 Weeks Pregnancy Update

I feel like I've gotten a bit of a second wind in the last month or so when it comes to running during this pregnancy. Just a few weeks ago I wasn't feeling very motivated to run or eat healthy or move, but after a week of being sick I've been back at it the past two weeks with a little more gusto than before.



Energy Levels: After having a hard time dragging myself out of bed at the beginning of December I seemed to have gotten a second wind at the early morning routine and have been waking up at 5am regularly since after Christmas. It feels good to get up, journal (one of my goals for 2015), get a few work related things done and a run or workout before the day starts. Even though I'm ready for bed at 8:30pm, there's something about rising early that energizes my day.

Fuel and Cravings: I have to admit that for the first 20 weeks of my pregnancy I've eaten a lot of crap: french fries, chips, pizza anything salty to satisfy my cravings. So after being sick for a week (ugh) I decided to put and end to fueling my body with nutritionally-devoid foods and to start to fuel more intentionally. I've returned to a pseudo-paleo diet with the addition of greek yogurt and a slice of ezekiel bread here and there. It's been two weeks now and I feel more energetic (thus the early wake ups) and just generally better. Also all those breakouts on my face I'd attributed to hormones seem to have calmed down. Food makes a difference. Go figure.

Running: Along with increased level of energy, I've felt a renewed desire to run over the past few weeks and my weekly mileage has reflected that a bit. Prior to Christmas I was running just 10-13 miles a week and the past few weeks my miles have been closer to 20. I've been more comfortable on my runs too, I had started to wear a support belt at about 18 weeks and haven't felt the need for it the past week or so. Although I'm sure I'll want it again soon. I've noticed too that my pace has slowed. In November my runs were easily in the 8:30s-8:40s and now a more comfortable range is right around 9:00/mile or slower. The terrain around my house also feels a whole lot hillier than it did a month ago:)

Cross Training: I've been consistent with my cross training routine. Mostly I do a quick 20 min Jillian Michaels DVD or a Kettlebell workout out. I also incorporate a lot of hip strengthening exercises and running form drills. At the start of January I made the commitment to do the workouts from my Hab-It DVD at least three days a week. If you have recently had a baby I highly recommend this pelvic floor PT workout DVD. I used it after having Jack and it make a huge difference in my postpartum return. My hope is that incorporating it now will not only benefit me during labor and delivery, but also quicken my postpartum recovery.

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Do you noticed changes in energy levels when you change the way you fuel your body?


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Email: RunFarGirl [at] gmail [dot] com


