Running Safety and Hunting

This is a recycled post from last fall, but I've started to see pick ups pulled off the side of the road around here so thought it was applicable again.  I live in a relatively rural area of New Hampshire. We're only 10 minutes from downtown, but still live close to woods and open spaces. In the fall this means that we often see pick-up trucks parked along the side of the road which means one thing: it's hunting season. Running in the fall always makes me nervous, if I were to wear a white t-shirt and let my blond pony-tail fly I might be mistaken for the butt-end of a deer by a hunter whose discretion has been affected by a few Keystone Lights. And my fear is justified, I almost ran into a hunter while running along one of my favorite routes (mintues from town). He stepped out of the woods just yards in front of me carrying his loaded comforting [not].

Running safety during hunting season is a legitimate concern, especially if you run along rural roads or trails. There are always tragic stories in the fall of hunters who mistake people in their back yards for an unsuspecting wild animal. Here are a few tips that might help you make it through the season unscathed:

Know Hunting Season Dates: It's important that you first know when hunting season is in your area. You can easily look up dates online. I've provided the NH Hunting season calendar and links to the calendars of a few surrounding states.

NEW HAMPSHIRE 2013 Hunting Season:

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Dress in Bright Colors: You could opt for traiditional “hunting orange” although you don’t have to buy an unsightly and cumberson vest. There are plenty of options out there for brightly colored running clothing . Whatever you choose to wear make sure you’re brighly attired from head to foot, which may mean wearing a ball cap or a beanie.

Be Aware of Animals: If hunters are in the woods that means wild animals can start moving towards populated areas or roads. Be aware and alert. I’ve seen black bear on two occasions. It’s always good to know what to do and to carry a cell phone.

General running safety rules always apply. You can check out my post on that HERE.

Do you have to worry about hunters where you live?