Change in a Minute

Today's post was going to be all about up coming races, a little training update and pictures of our Father's Day weekend. I planned to tell you all that Jack is doing amazingly well and we were looking forward to our Tuesday follow up appointment and the "OK" for Jack start enjoying summer swimming and sand. But that's not what Today's post is about.

Today we are back at Children's Hospital at Dartmouth. We have been here since early Sunday. But it started on Saturday night at 11pm when Jack woke up with a fever and swelling near the incision sight. We rushed to the ER and after a few hours were transferred up to CHaD.

We are still here today waiting for lab results from the culture of the fluid they drained from his back. For the most part he is doing well, his fever has go e and comeback and gone again. We are just waiting...

It has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster. We thought we were done. At this point life seems precarious and uncertain--which it always is you just don't realize it till moments like these. I'm a grateful today for a strong sense of the presence of God--that it is in these moments that he is with us.

I know many of you are praying and sending positive thoughts are way. Thank you so much, your support is felt in a very real way.


