First Run Post-Partum

I got the OK from my midwife to run on Wednesday and wanted so badly to get up and get out the door before everyone woke up for an early morning solo run. I knew going to Wednesday night that the only way this was happening was if Jack had a good night. He's been doing well at the beginning of the night, but from 1am to 6am he's gassy and fussy and can't settle down. On Wednesday night I was up every hour and half with Jack starting at 1am. Mark took him at 5:30 and I was able to enjoy two hours of uninterrupted sleep (its amazing how our bodies adapt to lack of sleep so that somehow two hours seems downright luxurious.) Needless to say the morning solo run didn't happen, I had resigned myself to that fact the night before. But I didn't want to let a gorgeous fall day pass by without a run, so I packed up the kiddos (this took most of the morning) and the double stroller and we headed to our favorite trail. I decided that I'd run a mile and see how I felt, after all this wasn't just my first postpartum run, it was my first double stroller run too. I started down the trail hesitantly, trying to gauge how my body was feeling...and it felt good at the start, other than a bit of stiffness in my legs, which worked itself out quickly.

I'm not sure if it was the cold, dry air or just loss of aerobic fitness, but my lungs felt like they were burning and struggling more than my legs. I guess almost a month off from running will do that (I've read that you begin to lose fitness after two weeks). The first mile passed by and I decided to walk for a bit to take a mental inventory of my body handled the mile. I was winded but other than that I felt like I could do another mile. So after about a quarter-mile of walking, we turned around and ran the mile back to the car. This mile felt better, more relaxed and less perceived effort.



In many ways I'm glad my first run was with a stroller because it forced me to let go of expectations and not put too much pressure on myself to be at a certain pace. I know that it will take time and miles for me to get back to the place where I was when I first found out I was pregnant. But in the moment yesterday I was grateful to be out there pushing my two kids down a beautiful trail on a crisp fall day.
