Energybits Review



I first heard ofEnergybits back in July when I was participating in a #fitblog chat on Twitter. They offered a sample and I thought: Why not? After a bit of back and forth, and a few suspicious looks cast the way of my mailman (I really thought he'd taken my sample), I finally got my Energybits sample last week. What exactly are Energybits, you might wonder? Well according to their website an Energybit is a "100% organically grown Spirulina algae tab." Exotic. Exciting. But could it really be packed with energy? I wanted to find out.

But first I had to know what exactly Spirulina algae was. It turns out it is a freshwater, blue green algae that is naturally occurring but has been cultivated for harvesting. It is considered a "superfood" due to the fact that it contains about 60% complete protein (a complete protein contains all essential amino acids). [Source] The fact that it has such a high nutrient density peaked my interested and made me wonder if it was in anything else I was currently eating?

Turns out it is: Spirulina is used in a lot of pre-made "green" smoothie juices and some health bars. I am a big fan of Bolthouse Farms Green Goodness Juice, or as my two year old calls it "Oh Goodness Juice." We started her on it a year or so ago as an alternative to apple juice, mostly because it's packed with natural vegetable and fruit juices and has no added sugar. It contains Spirulina and chlorella algae (about 506mg per 8oz serving). Spirulina is also in Odwalla's Superfood Bar, another food that I often comes home with us from the grocery store. So even though I thought Spirulina algae was some exotic and exciting food I'd never consumed, in actuality it was already a part of my diet.

When my Energybits sample arrived I was eager to try them, but a little hesitant partly because my stomach was feeling a bit unsettled. So I employed the help of my husband, who was about to workout. He had actually just picked up his bottle of N.O. Explode (a nitric oxide supplement many weightlifters use prior to workouts to increase vaso-dilaltion and enhance performance) when I said: "Wait! Try these instead," and held out the container of Energybits. He took it, opened it and said: "Smells like a fish hatchery." It was true, the bits had a strong odor so if you're not used to eating things like seaweed salads or maki rolls (both of which I really like, but my husband hates) then you might be put off by the smell. He took 30 tabs (the recommended dose for a total of 7500mg of spirulina algae) which he swallowed with water. "Am I gonna turn green?" he asked sarcastically. I thought not.

Thirty minutes later he was downstairs in our home gym working out. I could tell from the little congratulatory "whoops" that it was a good workout (sometimes the noises that come up from the basement aren't so positive). He reported having a fantastic workout, but wasn't sure if it could be contributed to the Energybits ("Maybe I'm just awesome," he said. Hmmm. Right.)

I tried the bits later that week prior to going to the gym. I first ate one tab, just to see what the taste and texture were like. They definitely have a strong taste: a green, fishy sort of taste and due to the protein content and oils, a pasty consistency when chewed. The one tab got totally stuck in my teeth and turned my tongue a blackish/green. I can see why Energybits recommends "swallowing" them with water. So I swallowed the remainder for a total of 17 tabs in all, equivalent to 4250mg of Spirulina algae. Seventeen tabs is less than the recommended dose of 30-40, but our sample contained only 47 tabs. About 20 minutes later I was at the gym working out on the elliptical, I did a total of 40 minutes on the machine and then a series of plank holds and bird dogs prior to stretching and leaving. While on the elliptical I felt strong and energized and was able to push the incline and resistance. I wouldn't say I felt more energize than normal, but I didn't feel fatigued afterwards in fact I felt strong and "mentally sharp" after leaving the gym (the same feeling I'd get after drinking a Red Bull). During this pregnancy there have been times when after a workout I've felt sluggish and fatigued, like my blood sugar was getting low and I really needed to refuel. This can also result in mental sluggishness too, like I can't think straight. I was definitely hungry after my workout, as I positioned it right before lunch, but I was not sluggish physically or mentally. I think it was due to the Energybits, because it was the only preworkout "fuel" I consumed--purposefully, because I wanted to see how it would affect me (I did take a GU with me just in case my blood sugar dropped). I had a good recovery meal when I arrived home and the energized feeling stayed with me for the remainder of the afternoon and evening. (Maybe I'm just awesome too;-)

I would definitely try Energybits again, instead of swallowing them whole I might combine them with a protein shake or fruit smoothie. My husband suggested larger tabs so that you don't have to take so many, but I thought the smaller tabs are easier to swallow. There are three other types of bits that would be worth trying too: Recoverybits (100% chlorella algea), Vitalitybits (50% spirulina and 50% chlorella algea) and Skinnybits (100% Spirulina algea). I'm not a huge fan of the premise of the last kind: Skinnybits which are billed as a "weightloss aid", a way to "supress appetitie" and a "meal replacement". Probably because of my history with an eating disorder, I could see people with eating disorders using these tabs as an excuse not to eat whole foods. I don't believe that it is Energybits intention to propagate disordered eating, but I don't think Spirulina algae should be a "meal replacement." Spirulina algae, I think, is a good addition to a diet of whole, healthy foods, which is how I think I'll start to incorporate it into what I eat.

You can find Energybits on Twitter and Facebook too.

Disclosure: I received a free sample of Energybits from Energybits by The Naughty Nutritionist Inc. I was not compensated for my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

I consulted with my midwife before taking the Energybits.

Have you made Spirulina Algae or Chlorella Algae a part of your diet? Have you tried Energybits?
