So Proud



This weekend my Mom and Dad competed in their third triathlon, the Timberman Sprint in Gilford, NH.

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Last year was my Dad's first experience with the event and this year, he and my Mom returned to race together. We arrived just as the National Anthem was playing out over the crowded beach, you could feel the energy and excitement of all the athletes: it is one of the things I love about spectating a race! We were able to snag good luck hugs before my parents made their way towards the start with their waves. 

The Timberman is a great race and is very well organized, the spectating area makes it easy to see the athletes bike in and out and run in and out. It's all right there. So we stood there with our cowbells waiting to cheer them on.

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Some empty nesters, sit back and start doing nothing, not my Mom and Dad! I love that they have gotten into something so active, for a grandma and a grandpa they are really rockin' it!

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It is a great example for my daughter, she knows that Grandma and Grandpa swim, bike and run, being surrounded by active people makes her want to be active too.



The highlight of the day for me was watching my Mom and Dad congratulate each other after the race: it's so good to see them having fun together after 33 years of marriage. And then later, after my Dad checked the results and realized he came in third in his age category! Way to go Dad!

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I'm so proud of both my parents, it's so much fun to see them training and racing together! Love you guys! You inspire me:-)



Who are you proud of? Who inspires you?
