My Little Running Buddy



On Monday I went for a solo 2 mile run (I had hopes of it being a three-four miler, but side stitches caused me to cut it short). When I arrived home my daughter was up from her nap and greeted me in tears: she was upset that I went on a run without her. I had to hold in a chuckle as I consoled her: I love that she loves running in the stroller with me as much as I love running. I promised to take her on a run the next day.

So Tuesday we set out for a four miler around our neighborhood. This four miler is a hard run when your NOT pregnant and pushing a stroller, its gets exponentially harder when you add those two variables. It begins with a steep climb up a hill that I sometimes wish wasn't there. It takes a total of 7 minutes for me to get up this hill (4-5 minutes when I'm not pregnant or pushing a stroller) and I break it up into a 3-minute segment and a 4-minute segment, taking breathers in a couple driveways on the way up. The breaks are essential in keeping my heart rate in a reasonable zone. After "The Hill" it flattens out a bit, there are still some "rises" that make the run challenging. We turn around at two miles and head back home, back down the hill.



It was probably the last time I'll be able to do that run with the stroller, it's not to bad on my own, but the combo of the hard up hill and then the down hill (which I take super slow, practically walking) is getting to be a lot at 24 weeks pregnant. So my runs with Sophia, from now on, will be on flat terrain.

I'll continue to run pushing her until I feel like it causes my heart rate to get too high. I feel comfortable pushing the stroller while pregnant, because it was part of our normal routine before I was pregnant. My pace is significantly slower (three minutes slower that my pre-pregnancy stroller pace), but I'm OK with that because I'm just happy we can both get out there. I'm a firm believer in staying fit during pregnancy, but it is important to know when to give yourself a break and when it's OK to push a little harder. You have to know you're body and everyone is different, so you should always speak with your doctor before you engage in exercise during pregnancy.

Tuesday's Stroller Run:

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Do you run with a stroller? Do your kids like it? If not what are some tips you have for keeping them happy?
