A Move and a Makeover

In February I published my what I said was my last post. I guess I knew in my heart that it wouldn't be my last, but at the same time I needed it to be my "last" in order to fully free myself to discover what shape my life would take as a stay-at-home-mom. I spent the past four months mulling over a major aspect of my life that I rarely share, but now feel it is the right time and that is my struggle with and ultimately victory over bulimia. I've changed the name of my blog from "The Runner-Mom Chronicles" to "Run Far Girl" [You can find a little bit of the story behind RUN FAR here.] and moved from Blogger to Wordpress, as a fresh start of sorts. For those of you who followed me as "The Runner-Mom Chronicles" I'll still be posting training and race reports as well as healthy recipes and for those of you who are new to "Run Far Girl" check out the archives for past posts to find out a little bit about me.

Over the course of the next few weeks I'll be sharing my story here in several parts, as honestly and candidly as I can because I believe there is freedom in the truth.
