10 Ways Not to be a Paleo Legalist or How not to make the way you eat your religion or How not to lose friends and alienate people

1. Buy peanut butter (despite the aflatoxins and lectins) because paying $11 a jar for raw almond butter boarders on insanity.

2. If your friend serves you pasta while you're over at their house, don't launch into a lecture about how 'harmful' pasta is and how bloated it makes you feel.

3. If you're craving a piece of pizza. Eat it. (After all if a caveman saw a piece lying in the road he wouldn't pass it by.)

4. If your daughter decorates Christmas cookies with gobs of frosting, eat them. She won't understand "Sorry honey, I can't they aren't 'paleo'."

5. Don't blow your grocery budget trying to eat paleo. Free-Range, grass-fed, organic might be great and all, but they sure are expensive.

6. Be honest. Sometimes you feel great after eating a bag of M&M's.

7. Realize that there is and ebb and flow to life and it's OK not to eat Paleo 100% of the time, despite what other bloggers say.

8. If people are confused when you mention "paleo," don't look at them like they've been living in an hole their whole life. Most people have never heard of it, and that's OK.

9. Paleo isn't the only way to eat.

10. It's not the gospel. You don't have to "convert" people.