Beach Run

Yesterday's run at the beach was hugely successful and so much fun! We were out there, running up and down the beach for nearly an hour, but the time went by so quickly. Perhaps it was because I was stopping every so often to re-tuck the blankets around Sophia and make sure she was still OK--she ended up falling asleep only a few minutes into the run and stayed asleep for the remaining time. Or maybe it was the fact that it was a new experience. Whatever it was, it certainly didn't have the monotony of some of my other runs.As we ran down the beach towards the jetty the first time, I thought "This is a breeze!" It was as if the BOB (aka the stroller) was self-propelled. When we finally made it to the jetty and turned to come back up the beach, I realized that the stroller was not self-propelled at all, it was propelled by the same wind that was now hindering my forward motion. Which means that on the way back up the beach what had been a nice jog turned into half-plod, half-loping walk as I tried to push the stroller into a stiff wind. Good thing there was a handle bar to lean on.And while no one stopped me to say that I looked "amazing," it was pretty close to perfect, as far as runs go. Cue the "Chariots of Fire" music. I mean, really, cue the music. It was a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky, warm enough to know that winter is over and spring is on its way, the beach empty enough to have a sense of solitude, and of course the cutest thing in the world sleeping soundly in front of me. I am so blessed.